PSYCH-K is an exciting, fast and effective way of changing those subconscious limiting beliefs that so often hold us back in life. I first came across PSYCH-K back in 2005 when I purchased and read Dr Bruce Lipton’s ground-breaking book “The Biology Of Belief.” In his book Bruce wrote:
”I use PSYCH-K in my own life. PSYCH-K has helped me undo my self-limiting beliefs, including one about not being able finish my book. The fact that you are holding this book is one indication of the power of PSYCH-K!”
PSYCH-K is a form of kinesiology that allows us to communicate with the subconscious. Muscle testing, used in the practice of kinesiology, allows facilitators to communicate with their clients by detecting subtle changes in their energy levels via their muscles.There is no hypnosis involved, however, as with hypnosis it is like a key (the K in PSYCH-K) that opens up communication with the subconscious mind. I have used it with a number of singers, actors and musicians and all have been very enthusiastic. All of them used it to set up a goal that they wished to achieve with a customised action plan using the “VAK to the Future” process. (VAK stands for Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic.) This is a great coaching technique and although in my practice many clients have performing goals the process can be applied equally effectively to other areas of your life:
Work, Career, Passion
Physical, Mental, Emotional (inc stress and trauma)
Financial Abundance
Spiritual Growth
Grief and Loss
Personal Power, Self Esteem, Self-Worth
Weight Loss, Body Image, Eating Disorders